
Free download blair witch 2016
Free download blair witch 2016

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Some fans have theorized that the new cast of characters might actually have been in the woods at the same time as Heather, Mike and Josh. The drone camera, on its second flight, shows that the nearby road has disappeared, and there is nothing but trees all around. This manipulation of space is amplified when James and Lisa enter the house, which appears to shift around them (at one point they are surprised to find themselves in the attic).Īs mentioned previously, the time travel elements add an interesting dimension to Blair Witch.

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The loud crashing, booming and creaking noises heard throughout Blair Witch could very well be the sounds of the forest physically shifting around the characters, in order to ensure that they can't find their way out. The explanation for this is left unclear in the original - was the witch messing with their compass to make them walk in circles, manipulating their minds to make them confused about which way they were going, or physically moving the forest around them? By being more overt with its use of impossible space, Blair Witch indicates that the final possibility is the correct one. In The Blair Witch Project, the three characters walk south all day, only to find themselves back where they started. It also opens up the intriguing possibility that the characters in Blair Witch might actually have crossed paths with the characters of The Blair Witch Project (more on that later).

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This indicates that the house - and, indeed, the rest of the woods - exist in a separate dimension, where time behaves differently relative to the outside world. Note, also, that the house was supposed to have burned down decades ago, and could not be found by any of the search parties that went looking for Heather, Mike and Josh (the lightning-struck tree outside the house at the end of the movie is the same tree where the DV tape was found, but when Talia and Lane found the tape the house was not there). The tape was somehow sent back in time and left as bait to lure James and his friends to their deaths in the woods. One of the most talked-about aspects of Blair Witch, though some may have missed it, is that the tape found at the beginning of the film is the same tape that Lisa makes on her final, doomed rush through the house.

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